The digital kitchen is the result of a project that aims to develop the next generation of technology applied to language teaching.
It has been developed at Newcastle University in collaboration with other universities across Europe. The app is free and available for Android and iOS.
The following link leads to the website of Linguacuisine.
In the course of our study week, we used the digital kitchen located in the iLAB in Newcastle. The task was to follow an Italian recipe using the video support and audio files on the screen on the kitchen wall and to cook an Italian dish. The purpose of the digital kitchen is to acquire cooking and language skills at the same time. Since there are not many digital kitchens around, a digital kitchen app has been developed. The app allows everyone to try recipes in different languages and thus, to make use of the digital kitchen concept. In addition, users can add their own recipes in their language and enrich the variety of languages and recipes available on Linguacuisine.
The advantages of the digital kitchen is that it is very close to the users' everyday lives. It combines acquiring a language with cooking, an activity that most people do daily.