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Portfolio - ProPIC

In this blog, I will outline, discuss and reflect the topics and issues we discussed during the intensive course at Kiel and the study week in Newcastle and include information and activities from the interactive tutorials.

AutorenbildLaura Teßmann

VEO Europa (Video Enhanced Observation)

Aktualisiert: 5. Okt. 2018

"Use the power of video & data to get better of what you do." (

VEO is an app that aims at promoting the use of video enhanced observation in teaching, learning, and professional development.

The project of developing VEO has started in Newcastle in September 2015. Since then, the innovative mobile application has been developed on the basis of the trialling and testing of materials across Europe.

Using the VEO app, teachers can video-record their lessons or part of their lessons and tag particular moments that may need to be refelcted upon. For the tagging (videos can also be tagged retrospectively), a variety of already existing tagsets may be used or an own tagset may be developed.

For practice purposes, we developed our own tagset.

The following screenshot shows the result of my first own tagset that focuses on error correction.

I decided to divide my tags into two categories, one being related to the person who corrected the error (either the teacher, the student or a peer) and the other one being related to the type of error committed. The subtags cannot be seen in this screenshot, but I added subtags to each of the different error types. The three subtags I chose for each one are 'overcorrection', 'scaffolding' and 'no correction'. Additionally, I included an engagement scale that could be used to indicate whether the error was immediately corrected or whether the teacher decided to use this error as a reason to explain a particular issue to the whole class in more detail. The quick tag is meant for any moments that may be of interest and deserve a closer look.

The purpose of this particular tagset is to focus on if, how often, and how errors are corrected in class. Whether or not this tagset turns out to be useful would have to be investigated in practice, but it would, for sure, set a narrow focus on an important aspect of foreign language teaching.

See also the website of the British council for information on error correction:

Creating my own tagset has helped me discover the different functions of the VEO app. I experienced that this app can be adapted to individual needs or research interests, but it also offers inspirations for teachers and allows for collaborative work. The tagged video would serve as basis for a data-led reflection and it would be ideal for dialogic reflection in a subjective continuum.

I would be interested in using VEO in a teaching context for the purpose of reflecting myself and my own lessons. VEO is an app that could be very meaningful for reflective practices.

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The following mind map was created by the ProPIC Kiel group using the programme "Mind Meister" (

It is a helpful tool for creating mind maps in a group. You can immediately see what the others are adding to the mind map and be inspired by their thoughts. 

The mind map shows our spontaneous ideas about possible challenges and problematic issues for language teachers in our contexts.

Screenshot (9).png

ProPIC Kiel 

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