The first day of the ProPIC compact course was all about practice and growth. Growing is an essential aspect of every teacher's career and there is no better means of growing than using theoretical knowledge and acquired competencies in practice and constantly reflecting oneself and one's own work (see also the notes in regard to reflective practices).
In the video (, "National Teachers of the Year" talk about practice and growth. Some of the main aspects mentioned are listed below.
- “always getting better”
- Being a work in progress – “grow and get better”
- “I need to do less so that my kids can do more.” – growth
--> Endless work in progress
- Collaboration with other teachers – maximizing impact by collaborating
--> Teacher collaboration
- Different students – differentiation – adapt lessons to needs of students
- Focus on individual students – “giving attention to each and every student”
- Making positive connections to every student
--> Respect individuality and differentiate
- Sustain professional capacity
--> Professionalism
Personally, I most resonated with the following statement, because it underlines the fact that students are only able to use their potential and to perform successfully when they have the feeling that their teachers believe in them:
“Inspire students by believing in them, valuing them and expecting great things from them.”
The same message is also dominant in the inspiring TED talk by Rita Pierson which is very inspiring: