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Portfolio - ProPIC

In this blog, I will outline, discuss and reflect the topics and issues we discussed during the intensive course at Kiel and the study week in Newcastle and include information and activities from the interactive tutorials.

AutorenbildLaura Teßmann

Education system in the UK

The first day of our study week in Newcastle was all about getting to know each other (sadly, the expected student from Spain did not turn with the result that everyone in our group is from Germany). We introduced ourself to each other and set the plan and goals for the week.

After the introduction, everyone shortly presented his/her research project.

These are some specific aspects we discussed in class based on the presentation of our individual research projects:

- Judgmental feedback potentially leading to fear vs. ungraded observation for developmental purposes

- Bring your own device? → digital divide

- Each school as a micro culture?

In addition, we had a discussion about different school systems.

The following notes represent what I found particularly striking in regard to the school system in the UK:

Education system UK (apart from Southern Ireland):

- Differences across the nations

- Primary and secondary education

- Children go to school when they are about to get five

- Key stage 1 and key stage 2 at primary school

- Secondary school age eleven to sixteen or eighteen

- Some places have middle schools (not very common)

- Key stage 3, 4, 5 at secondary school + 6th form

- Differentiation between academic and vocational (hierarchy)

- Very traditional system

- Focus on knowledge and facts; less focus on creativity

! there are many ways into teaching (degree necessary)

! education is governed from London

! tension between politicians and educators

! sense of regionalism

! grading of schools

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The following mind map was created by the ProPIC Kiel group using the programme "Mind Meister" (

It is a helpful tool for creating mind maps in a group. You can immediately see what the others are adding to the mind map and be inspired by their thoughts. 

The mind map shows our spontaneous ideas about possible challenges and problematic issues for language teachers in our contexts.

Screenshot (9).png

ProPIC Kiel 

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